Welcome!I am spiritual teacher, guide, gridworker and intuitive healer in the process of human, planetary, and universal evolution and ascension.
As a natural psychic, gifted intuitive, and inspirational visionary, I use my passion and gift for seeing beyond the world and into the subtle energies, to assist the expansion of consciousness and acceleration of the Ascension/Expansion process. I am committed to the expansion of all suppressed aspects of life, to the healing and union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine, and to the activation of the "I AM" presence and reunion with Source Consciousness. I am registered ATMS Kinesiologist with 23 years of professional experience working in practice, creating quantum consciousness shifts, expansion and awakening, weaving the ageless wisdoms with the new physics to assist you to restore a deep and harmonious relationship with yourself, and all of life. Within thousands of sessions in clinic with adults and kids of all ages - I still find the greatest of joy assisting you in lifting the veils and creating transparency by healing and clearing blockages and activating your divine blueprint and innate wisdom. I work with Source-infused consciousness and the metaphor delivered from the heart, as the inter dimensional language of the universe. I will guide you in accessing a view without density, creating deep understanding, learning, clarity, and increased awareness of the greater story within all, with confidence and ease, assisting you to reconnect with your inner guidance and the subtle messages of life, so you can understand and work in harmony with All That Is in the unfolding of the greater cycles. I back up my natural abilities with a BA (Psych) , a 2 year Diploma in Health Sciences (Hol Kin) from the College of Complementary Medicine (with an award for academic excellence), and thorough training in Kinesiology, Sacred Sciences, Anatomy & Physiology, Nutrition, Flower Essence Remedies and Energetic Sciences, and followed up with extended studies in the esoteric teachings, Transitional Therapy and Counselling Kinesiology. I weave wisdom, intuitive guidance, and personal blend of expertise in the areas of consciousness exploration, Quantum Medicine, Zero-Point and the Unified Field technologies, torus mechanics, Ascension Evolution, Sacred Kinesiology, Kabbalah/Tree of Life Healing, ancient Egyptian Mystery School teachings, Sacred Geometry, Energy Healing, Esoteric Medical Astrology, Metatronic Healing, ascension technologies and vibrational remedies, to assist clients in expanding their consciousness and quickly changing their lives by activating their universal blueprint for optimal being. These templates are our innate templates for optimal functioning. Activating the geometries, architecture and pulse of Creation in every cell of our being enables each of us to unify and become ever-expanding and collapsing, and ever-thriving and recreating. We are then able to tap into the keys to health, wellbeing, growth and expansion, rather than the keys to disease, collapse, death and decay, and to our fully expanded conscious self. The Codes of Creation are geometric constructs which are the foundation of DNA, and the primordial building blocks of all life. All life forms very cleverly originate from "creation DNA". Incoherence within the DNA can result in dis-ease within the physical and emotional bodies. It is about bio-regenerating the original DNA template and enabling our DNA consciousness to remember its original vibrant and unified healthy state. All out-of-date systems and programmes of dis-ease that limit the human experience can no longer resonate with or exist in this upgraded unified field. By facilitating clients to reconnect to the living Universal Matrix of all existence, which is an inherently self-organising and self-generating system, and is an unlimited infinite source of energy, they are able to activate their own self-sustaining microcosmic system of self-generation, self-organisation, and self-balance and unification. Ultimate health and wellness. The actuated heart. Unity. This is our natural state. Expansion is also our natural state. It enables us to reach higher levels of self-actualisation, coherence and empowerment and gives us the keys and codes for us to create ongoing self-sustaining health, awakening, unity consciousness, vitality and the natural and automatic ability to quite simply thrive in a state of Oneness and love....as opposed to being stuck in the downward spiral of death and decay! I am also an advanced practitioner in Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T.) working with the body's structure and function by reprogramming and recallibrating the basic neurology and survival mechanisms of feeding, fight-flight, reproduction and immunity. N.O.T. creates profound and life-changing results in decoding structure, function and programmes which are self-limiting. I combine N.O.T. with training in the primitive and postural reflexes, movement and learning, to specialise in working with kids & adults with genetic, birth, transition and childhood issues, particularly in the areas of learning, behavioural and social challenges, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, allergies, digestion, hormonal problems, 3D postural and co-ordination issues, and back/neck pain.
I combine all this with Transitional Therapy and Counselling Kinesiology to offer clients an intuitive, professional, powerful, compassionate, fresh approach to clients' personal growth and self-awareness to accelerate awakened consciousness, and unleash full vibrant potential, health and wellbeing. The release of old limiting and outdated fears, belief systems, core programmes and energy patterns that have blocked well-being, growth and self-realisation, combined with the reconnection to their Universal blueprint and the activation of DNA, results in clients experiencing wonderful shifts, expanded awareness, deeper understanding, connection, and abundant increases in life energy and expansion in consciousness. I work with clients who are ready to take action, and are committed to creating change and expansion on all levels....physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. Book your initial consultation :
Training & QualificationsAdvanced Dip Health Science (Holistic Kinesiology)
(Academic Excellence Award - College of Complementary Medicine) BA (Psych) Diploma Transitional Therapy Sacred Kinesiology Medical Astrology Tree of Life Mystery School Transformational Kinesiology I-!V Awakening the Illuminated Heart Basic & Advanced Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T.) Certificates in Movement & Learning 1-3 Primitive & Postural Reflexes Counselling Kinesiology Sacred Geometry Flower of Life Merkaba Energy Healing Sacred Dreaming |