Metatronic Healing shifts the subtle energy patterns within the human energy system that may be obstructing the healthy functioning of your body. Gentle and painless, the process takes only a few minutes to complete, yet can have a lasting & profound effect on the body, emotional state, and mind. During this process of healing, the subtle bodies of the human energy system are rebalanced and realigned, allowing for a much better flow of energy throughout your being. You may not have realized, but both Quantum and Metatronic healing are part of most Kinesiology sessions. More on this next newsletter!
Quantum Healing Quantum Healing is a non-intrusive hands-off healing whereby the body is immersed within quantum-based frequencies & so is able to instigate & facilitate an appropriate healing for itself. The quantum frequencies elevate the cellular vibration & the human biology & anatomy are awakened, enabling the human biology to heal itself.
Metatronic Healing shifts the subtle energy patterns within the human energy system that may be obstructing the healthy functioning of your body. Gentle and painless, the process takes only a few minutes to complete, yet can have a lasting & profound effect on the body, emotional state, and mind. During this process of healing, the subtle bodies of the human energy system are rebalanced and realigned, allowing for a much better flow of energy throughout your being. You may not have realized, but both Quantum and Metatronic healing are part of most Kinesiology sessions. More on this next newsletter!
Authorbronevanskinesiology Archives
January 2018