Depression has roots in many places : digestive problems are.....
In dealing with depression, it is vital to deal with all aspects of it : rebuild the digestive system, address nutritional deficiencies and diet, clear emotions and stress resulting from life circumstances & choices, balance past issues/grief/stress, rebalance hormones, clear genetic lineage predisposition, and balance brain chemistry. (A quick aside on brain chemistry : if you are high in serotonin, you are positive, confident, flexible and easygoing. If you are sinking in serotonin, you’ll tend to become negative, obsessive, worried, irritable, glass half full, lacking in self-esteem, panic attackish, shy, fearful (heights, flying,etc), and sleepless. If you are high in catecholamines you are energised, upbeat, and alert. If they have crashed you can sink into a flat lethargic funk, lacking physical and mental energy, focus, drive and motivation. If you are high in GABA, you are relaxed & stress free. If there’s a gap in your GABA, you’ll be wired, stressed, tense and overwhelmed. Lastly, if you are high in endorphins you are full of cozy feelings of comfort, pleasure and even euphoria. If you are near the end of your endorphins you may be crying during commercials and overly sensitive and hurt.) So yes, brain chemistry is an important aspect. But what is causing your brain chemistry to be imbalanced in the first place?
It is essential to look further—to look for the primary cause for your depression. When we have tried & tried and still we feel overwhelmingly stuck – trapped in our lives & our selves, unable to change...then we get depressed. Depression results from the inability to change our lives and who we are. Feeling stuck leads to feeling disempowered in our life — unable to change both our “situation” & the person we are in it. The bog closes in & the black hole gets bigger. It doesn’t matter what we do there is no way out or forward. The result....we simply give up, moving into a state of despair & “why bother/what for”. We get depressed...physically, emotionally, mentally & biochemically.
In working with clearing depression, we address & balance ALL these issues.... plus equip you with new skills for unstucking you. This enables you to firstly climb out of the hole, and secondly, to create the wonderful life you dream of.....the life revolves around a happy and fulfilled you!