Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
Consuming clay may seem like the action of a child rather than an adult, but wellness professionals are clear: Clay is good for you. As a mighty cleanser, bentonite detoxifies the liver, colon and skin. It also absorbs nasty bacteria throughout the system and even soaks up radiation — electromagnetic or otherwise. The list of ailments that respond to bentonite is long. It eliminates food allergies, parasites, candida and viral infections. Arthritis, diarrhea and stomach ulcers are conquered too. Think of bentonite as a
Time-honored treatment recognized by science
Dr. Weston A. Price, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, observed that several indigenous groups around the world used clay readily to outsmart disease and illness. Those in the Andes, Central Africa and Australia would often carry dried balls of clay in their satchel to be consumed in water before meals — thereby warding off possible toxins or poisoning.
Fast forward to the present. A study from Arizona State University found bentonite clay extremely effective in destroying MRSA, salmonella and E. coli, among other potentially deadly bacteria. Science discovered what indigenous groups had known all along: clay is a powerful, protective and healing substance. The secret is in the negative charge which bonds with positively charged toxins — namely, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, fungi, radiation and free radicals. Not only does the clay attract these unsavory hazards within the body, but it also absorbs and promptly escorts the troublemakers quickly out of the system. This is why bentonite clay is so effective for detoxifying the colon — harmful pathogens really don’t stand a chance against it. As an added bonus, bentonite helps to balance gut bacteria through its alkalizing properties as well.
Tips for using bentonite clayTwo types of bentonite clay are available — sodium and calcium. For internal use, it is important to use calcium bentonite. Purity of the clay is vital to avoid contaminants — always use a reputable and trusted brand. Also, do not allow healing clays to come in contact with anything metal — to mix, use a glass jar with a plastic lid. Make sure to drink plenty of water to sidestep constipation. Likewise, it is a good idea to combine bentonite liquid with an insoluble fiber source to keep things moving in the colon.
According to Mountain Rose Herbs, typical preparations and general guidelines include:
Large physical stature
Take one tablespoonful of bentonite and add it to about eight ounces of liquid and thoroughly mix until the clay is completely combined with the water.
Medium physical stature
Take one heaping teaspoon of bentonite and add it to about eight ounces of liquid and thoroughly mix until the clay is completely combined with the water.
Light physical stature
Take one level teaspoon of bentonite and add it to about eight ounces of liquid and thoroughly mix until the clay is completely combined with the water.
For best results, do not take within two hours of medications or supplements. Additionally, those with iron intolerance or high blood pressure should not ingest bentonite clay.
Article Sources:
Previous Articles By Carolanne
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- Rid the Body of Dangerous Bt-Toxin Found in Genetically Modified Food with These Tips
- Sugar Consumption a ‘Public Health Crisis’ Aggravated by GM Sugar Beets
- Encourage Prosperity, Alleviate Famine and Heal the Environment with Hemp
- Halt Infectious Disease, Cancer and Much More With a $3 Remedy
- Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their Own Plate
Carolanne enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Through her website she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people from around the world who share a similar vision. Follow Carolanne on Facebook, Twitter andPinterest.
Please note this article was first published on Natural News.